Tuesday 15 December 2015

Animaniacs Episode # 79 - The 12 Days of Christmas Day 2

    On the second day of Christmas, my TV gave to me 3 weird monkey-dog things! (Seriously, what are the Warner Siblings?)

    Animaniacs (http://that90sguyreviews.blogspot.ca/2015/10/animaniacs.html) was a show that was....odd with its' Christmas-themed episodes. It had 4 of them. Now they had 2 in 1 December for some reason, but this (the third one) was the weird one......it aired in February. Now the 4th and final Christmas special aired in an even weirder time of year, but I'll be reviewing that episode later so I'll save that until then. But seriously, to the best of my knowledge, no one was ever informed WHY the Animaniacs Christmas-themed episodes aired on such weird dates
so I'm just going to presume it was a mistake.

Now this (like many an Animanicas episode) contained 2 cartoons and 2 short songs

My Mother, The Squirrel
Where Slappy ends up being imprinted on by a baby bird

The Party
Where Yakko and his siblings invite Mr. Plotz to a party with a "Steven" who Plotz presumes is Spielberg (Spoilers: He's not)

Oh Say, Can You See?
A bastardization of a classic American patriot song that sure has a lot more fun than the real song did, even anthropomorphising the candle that many American Revolutionists used to light their rooms when they needed to write


The Twelve Days of Christmas 
A bastardization of the classic Christmas song that inspired this series (SHOUTOUT TO THAT SONG, YOU THE REAL MVP) 

    All-in-all, not much of a special episode, and honestly not much to talk about. Just your usual Animaniacs episode, hilarious. I like it when we get to see how sad Plotz's love-life is. I like seeing Slappy have to deal with her total contrast: a happy-go-lucky newborn bird, and I like figuring out that it's NOT Steven Spielberg who the Warner Trio invited to their party. But what takes the cake to all that, the crowning achievement of this episode has to be.......the "say hello to Christopher Walken" meme
Why won't anyone say hi to me?

   But in all seriousness, this is not the best Animaniacs Christmas special and it's nothing special. Worth a watch for a giggle if you have the time but it's not a hard-hitter or a must-watch by any stretch of the imagination. See you guys tomorrow!

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